My Horrible English + Funny Pictures

Marayna aga sa indo gabo!

When we got dressed this morning, I said: "We are both wearing our cultural heritage dresses. You, a dashiki, me, a Pride and Prejudice dress."

Since she and I are all that is at our house, we usually talk in English, but sometimes our English is really bad. Here is a list of words that I or my companion have said when we couldn't remember our English:

Soap for clothes = laundry detergent
bed watch = alarm clock
cauldron = fry pan
groceryhan = a mix between a grocery store and tindahan (store in Tagalog)

There's been a bunch and I can't remember them all, but my hobby here is finding things with bad English on them. Here is what I have found so far. Please enjoy:

Love you all!

-Sister Gray


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