My Angels Round About You

Maray na aga sa indong gabos!

Opening an area is the best!! we have seen so many miracles in our work just in the first week! As we have been praying, fasting and calling down the powers of heaven to prepare the hearts of the people for the message we carry,  I can truly say, as Moroni, "have miracles ceased? Nay neither have angles ceased to minister unto the children of men." 

In our new are we ride a lot of 'padyak' which is a little bicycle with a side carriage thing and you pay a guy 5 pesos to bike you somewhere. There is also this thing called a 'skate" which we also had in my last aea but we never had to ride one. It is a board made of bamboo placed on the railroad, loaded with as many people on it, and it speeds down the railroads. It's very uncomfortable to ride because you are all hanging onto each other, but is convenient to get to far away places. 

These are called Kasili, its like a snake that lives in the rice fields and they eat it. I hope to try it soon. 

I'm studying the native dialect in addition to Tagalog. In this side by side of both the languages, you can see they are both completely different but they speak a mix here and it's pretty easy to learn new word because you have more context. I'm also learning Bayin, the old writing system. It is pretty simple, but it's not really used anymore.  

Because my companion is Polynesian, if she sees a flower, she is obligated to put it in her I do, too. #companionshipunity

I thought I would add this because when I looked at myself in the mirror one day, I didn't really recognize myself. It was a little bit of a revelatory moment as I reflected on how much I have changed in the past year. It feels so good to little by little, overcome weaknesses, grow in faith, in love, in obedience. I feel myself becoming a new creature and I know it is only possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

I love you all! Keep loving, serving and growing! I'm cheering you on from half a world away :)

-Sister Gray


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