Eating Frogs, Falling through Bridges, and Serving the Lord
Maray na aga po sa indong gabos!
This week, I broke a bridge like the one. It was made of bamboo and as I stepped on, it broke out from under me. Fun times.
Something really cool happened this week as we were sharing the gospel with Sister Arlene. She is a very receptive mother who has been reading the Book of Mormon, receiving an answer to her prayer that it was right to be baptized. As we were teaching her about baptism and confirmation, she shared memories of being baptized like that and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, but she couldn't remember the name of the church. We started wondering if she might already be a member but had no way of finding out because she would have been baptized in Manila. The next visit, we taught her about the sacrament and showed her a picture of it and she excitedly exclaimed, "that's it! They have that at the church I grew up in!" Taking her to church, we were able to confirm that she was indeed a member as she told us it felt like coming home. Sister Arlene is so excited for her children to join her in "God's true church." I love this family so much and her children write us notes and draw pictures of us every time we come over.
fan mail |
this is what they use to travel on the railroads |
I still got a thing for cats |
a boy eating frog |
It's such a special feeling to be a missionary and wear the name of Jesus Christ on my chest every day. We don't just wear His name, but we testify of Him at every opportunity, serve Him with all our hearts, and strive to be like Him in word and deed.
As members of the church, we have all taken upon us the name of Jesus Christ and have become part of His fold, promising to follow Him, serve Him and always remember Him.
12 I say unto you, I would that ye should remember to aretainthe name written always in your hearts, that ye are not found on the left hand of God, but that ye hear and know the voice by which ye shall be called, and also, the name by which he shall call you.
13 For how aknoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart? (Mosiah 5)
We cannot truly know God unless we learn of Him, serve Him and let our will be "swallowed up" in His will.
I testify that we will all stand accountable before God at the last day for how well we used all the wonderful opportunities He has given us. Don't let an opportunity to serve or love pass by but let us use wisely the time of our probation.
I love you all. Don't be shy of sending me a personal email; I want to hear from all of you:)
-Sister Gray
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